Unlike most investment firms, we take a different view of what is an appropriate level of risk. Traditional firms will base their investment recommendations entirely upon your “risk tolerance”, maximizing the amount of risk that you take in your portfolio in an attempt to generate greater returns.

Ask yourself this question; “If it is possible to achieve your goals while taking minimal risk, why jeopardize reaching those goals by taking on greater risk (pain), just because you completed a questionnaire indicating you could tolerate the additional risk?” Investment risk can’t be avoided. However, our approach is to take only the necessary risk to achieve your goals. 


Wealth doesn’t just happen. It is grown with hard work, determination and persistence. Preparing for your future can be a complicated and overwhelming task, and avoiding complexity could be avoiding financial security. As economic conditions change, so will your financial outlook, and discovering the right strategy to grow wealth is different for everyone.

We build portfolios focused on you and your financial outlook and goals. Although we cannot guarantee success, we can help you design a strategy that will put you in control of where you are headed and how you can get there. Trek Financial, LLC. is a Registered Investment Advisor, which means we are held to the strictest fiduciary standards. We only have your best interest in mind.


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